GBV Transitional Housing, Counseling & Supports
MysticMag International Domestic Violence Resource Guide
This magazine compiles and provides links to domestic abuse hotlines from around the world, including Canada. Hotlines are organized by continent for convenient navigation, and indicate whether they help women, men, elders, and/or children.
Assaulted Women's Helpline
https://www.awhl.org or 1-866-863-0511 (crisis line)
The Assaulted Women's Helpline provides a space to support women who have experienced abuse in Ontario. Crisis counseling, emotional support, guidance, and referrals are free, confidential, and anonymous. 200+ languages are supported via telephone. Online counseling is also available from 11 am to 8 pm.
Barbara Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (BSCC)
BSCC provides legal assistance and trauma-informed counseling in multiple languages available to assist diverse women and gender-diverse who have experienced abuse.
MulberryFinder allows people to search for gender-based violence services in Ontario based on the type of service, the programs offered, the type of provision (text, telephone, etc.), and accessibility features. Supports for newcomers and people with precarious status are specifically provided.
Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
ONSADVTC helps people find and contact treatment centres across Ontario that provide comprehensive care and treatment to victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence.
The Learning Network
Published by the Western University's Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children, the Learning Network is a valuable source of evidence-informed resources for individuals, service providers, and organizations working to end violence against women and other forms of GBV. The Resource Library compiles GBV-related resources from Ontario organizations.
Resource Spotlight: Building Survivor Leadership Capacity: Sharing Lessons Learned from Non-Status, Refugee, And Immigrant Women
Highlighting findings from OCASI's Building Leadership Capacity project, this demonstrates the significant influence survivors have on shaping laws, policies, and support systems by examining the vital role non-status, refugee, and immigrant women play in combating GBV. This publication offers valuable insights into survivor expertise and its significance in the battle against GBV, featuring effective strategies, shared experiences, and essential lessons learned from the frontlines of this critical issue. For more details, see here.
British Columbia
Battered Women's Support Services
https://www.bwss.org or 1-855-687-1868 (crisis line)
Battered Women's Support Services helps educate, advocate for, and support victims and survivors of gender-based violence with a focus on eliminating barriers to accessing these services for marginalized women.
BC Housing
BC Housing provides a list of transition houses and safe homes for women fleeing violence in BC, including contact information and locations for each one. See here for eligibility: https://programfinder.bchousing.org/
BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH)
BCSTH supplies a resource portal that provides links to resources and information for and about Indigenous women and girls, 2SLGBTQI+ people, mental health and addictions support, companion animals, gender-based violence, and children and youth.
Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre
https://www.salalsvsc.ca or https://www.salalsvsc.ca/get-support
Salal provides support services to survivors of sexualized violence including cis and trans women, Two-Spirit, trans and/or non-binary people. Services include emergency crisis support, hospital accompaniment, criminal legal system support, Elder support, individual counselling, support circles, workshops, and more. Services are free and confidential.
Sex Workers Action Network (SWAN) Vancouver
SWAN promotes the rights, health, and safety of im/migrant women in sex work by offering language- and culturally specific, non-stigmatizing services that address social, health, legal, immigration, and criminal justice needs.​
Vancouver & Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society (VLMFSS)
VLMFSS offers free and confidential services to immigrant, refugee, visible minority, and non-status women and children experiencing family violence in Metro Vancouver. Services include culturally and linguistically sensitive support; advocacy, counselling, and support through workers; and continuity of support.
YWCA Metro Vancouver
The YWCA seeks to advance gender equity for diverse people through programs and services that support personal, collective, and economic well-being such as housing assistance, support for single moms, legal supports, mentorship, and childcare.